Dave Azpell
David and Teryn
David Azpell
2524 Applegate Dr
West Lafayette, IN 47906
765 532 3290

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Posted 6/20/16

I graduated from Purdue in 1971 with a degree in Industrial Management. I was in NROTC and served 2 years in the Navy from '71-'72 in Puerto Rico as a communications officer.

Returned to Purdue again and got a second degree in EET (Electrical Engineering Technology). I then worked for Motorola as a field service engineer from '74-'79. For the last 37 years I have worked in the Electrical Engineering Department at Purdue in the undergraduate teaching laboratory. I am semi-retired and work limited hours.

Never left the WL-Lafayette area. I married my wife Kelly (a Nurse Practioner at the Purdue Health Center) in 1998 and we have a daughter, Teryn, who will be a senior at Harrison High School next year.

Hobbies include amateur radio, volunteering with the Red Cross, and emergency preparedness for the county.