Bob Brady
Robert M (Bob) Brady
301 W Cornwall DR
Nampa, Idaho 83651

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Posted 2/12/2018

Bob Brady and Bernice have sold their Florida Condo and are now permanently in Idaho. However, we want to travel back to WL on a frequent basis and elsewhere in order to see all of you between reunions. Tom Gripe, Guy Riley, and Ray Wilson joined me in WL this past week (Feb 8-10, 2018) and we decided we needed to do more of it now that we are all turning 70. Call, text, or Email me any time you are coming West.

Posted 9/17/16

In Idaho until beginning of November, then back to Florida. If anyone is in Tampa, Florida area this winter - call or email. Would love to get together.

Posted 5/14/2016

Retired 2 years ago after Submarine Duty, 12 years at General Electric Nuclear, building Albertson's Grocery Stores in Boise, ID for 15 years, then Mechanical & Fire Protection Engineer for High Rise Hotels in Las Vegas, and then back into nuclear power for Duke Power Plants in the Carolinas. Currently in Florida for the winter and Boise in the summer. Look forward to seeing everyone in West Lafayette