Dave Robbins
St Louis, Missouri 63110 314-220-3223 drobbins+wainwrightindustries.com To use the above email address, replace the "+" with an at sign, (@),. This is done so robots will not pick up the address to use for spam. |
Posted 5/19/16 I completed my BS and MS from the Krannert School at Purdue with a three year break between during which I lived in Newport Beach California. After completing Purdue my wife of almost 43 years and I moved to St Louis where we still have a home. Currently I am the President and CEO for the Americas of an international logistics company. This takes me around the world several times each year, for example I have been in India twice so far in 2016 as well as England and Germany. When possible my wife accompanies me and we spent a wonderful two weeks in Spain last year. We have two grown and married daughters and three grandchildren. We get to see them regularly and enjoy their company. Of some out of the ordinary interest, I am officially a retired Police Colonel complete with gold badge for life. The chief of the St Louis Police Department (2200 members) reported to me daily for a four-year period. This allowed me to do some unique things like fly a Police helicopter, lecture at Harvard and meet multiple US Presidents as well as accompany the lead secret service detail. Hobbies include boating and biking. I have twice completed the MS 150 charity ride. This is 75 miles of bike riding two consecutive weekend days. Who knew a bike seat could get that hard! I look forward to seeing all of you at our 50th. |